To νέο «Scream» έκανε την πρεμιέρα του πρόσφατα στην Αμερική για τους κριτικούς και από χτες άρχισαν ήδη να φτάνουν οι πρώτες αντιδράσεις στα social media.
Πολλοί ήταν εκείνοι που είχαν αναρωτηθεί το αν οι σκηνοθέτες Ματ Μπετινέλι-Ολπιν και Τάιλερ Ζιλέτ θα καταφέρουν να παραδώσουν μια αξιόλογη ταινία, που σέβεται πάνω από όλα την κληρονομία του franchise του Γουές Κρέιβεν. Και οι φανς φαίνεται πως δεν θα χρειάζεται να ανησυχούν πια μιας και οι περισσότεροι αναφέρουν πως πρόκειται για μια υπέροχα διασκεδαστική ταινία, «η καλύτερη μετά την πρώτη ταινία, για την οποία «ο Γουές θα ήταν υπερήφανος».
Διαβάστε ακόμα: Πρώτες εικόνες και τρέιλερ από το «Scream 5»
Υπήρχαν και κάποιες αρνητικά σχόλια τα οποία, αν και αναγνωρίζουν το πόσο fun είναι, θεωρούν τους χαρακτήρες χάρτινους, την πλοκή περίεργη και σίγουρα μια χαμένη ευκαιρία για κάτι το πραγματικά τρομερό.
Δεν γνωρίζουμε τίποτα για το σενάριο πέρα του ότι οι Νιβ Κάμπελ, Ντέιβιντ Αρκέτ, Κόρτνεϊ Κοξ επιστρέφουν στους ρόλους των Σίντνεϊ Πρέσκοτ, Σερίφη Ντιούι και Γκέιλ Γουέδερς αντίστοιχα, ενώ μαζί τους πρωταγωνιστούν και οι Μάρλεϊ Σέλτον, Τζούντι Χικς από το «Scream 4», με το νέο καστ να αποτελείται από τους Ντίλαν Μινέτ, Τζένα Ορτέγκα και Τζακ Κουέιντ.
Το «Scream» θα κάνει την πρεμιέρα του στις ελληνικές αίθουσες στις 13 Ιανουαρίου από την Odeon.
The new #Scream is a BLAST & my favorite since the original. There’s some sharp writing here - a nice balance of well-crafted scares & amusing commentary on modern horror. It also pokes a lot of fun at itself, too, while remaining a bloody whodunnit & a damn good time. I’m a fan! pic.twitter.com/QZiguvUIWo
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) January 7, 2022
#Scream is a bloody good time & serves as a touching homage/continuation to Wes Craven’s iconic franchise and features some of the gruesomest, most original killings of the series. Legacy cast perfectly blends with the fresh meat. Jasmin Savoy Brown is the MVP 🔪🔪 🩸 pic.twitter.com/AbCTYands1
— Nate Adams (@TheOnlyCritic) January 7, 2022
#SCREAM (2021) is a fittingly loud, bloody good time at the movies. It takes a knife to the heart of the modern 'requel' machine, "elevated horror," and toxic online fandoms. Seriously, no major film franchise is safe. This is Scream at its best since the first sequel, easily. pic.twitter.com/lNYkpZcrLp
— Jon Negroni (@JonNegroni) January 7, 2022
What a welcome return to Woodsboro #Scream is! A razor sharp, bloody introspection on the genre and Wes Craven's legacy. All the feels and one hell of a genre start to 2022. My horror heart is so full.
— Meagan Navarro (@HauntedMeg) January 7, 2022
What a welcome return to Woodsboro #Scream is! A razor sharp, bloody introspection on the genre and Wes Craven's legacy. All the feels and one hell of a genre start to 2022. My horror heart is so full.
— Meagan Navarro (@HauntedMeg) January 7, 2022
SCREAM (2022): Definitely better than the sequels and in some ways even better than the original. After seeing what they could do with READY OR NOT, I shouldn't have doubted the Radio Silence creative team on this one! #Scream
— Marco Cerritos (@BigDumbMale) January 7, 2022
As someone who has been in love with this franchise for a little over 25 years now, I totally and completely loved @ScreamMovies. Brutal kills, fun mystery & both the Legacy cast & newbies were great. Wes would be proud. #ScreamMovie #Scream pic.twitter.com/EoMkeI1CtR
— Heather Wixson (@MMEFXBook out 10/20!) (@thehorrorchick) January 7, 2022
#Scream freakin' slays! It's a textbook example of how to revive and reinvigorate a franchise and do it in killer style. Brutal genius, it has the razor-sharp smarts of the finest entries in the series with a third act that absolutely nails it. Two thumbs way up! #ScreamMovie pic.twitter.com/ZMmCDUFUrj
— Simon Thompson (@ShowbizSimon) January 7, 2022
The new #Scream is the real deal. Such a well written script that keeps you guessing and wades into the treacherous waters of fandom in 2022. ‘Scream’ fans are going to love it. pic.twitter.com/caf2SqG0so
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) January 7, 2022
My first, non-spoilery #Scream reaction below.
— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) January 7, 2022
I really dug it! Took maybe 20 minutes or so to click in and then it really picks up and has a lot of very satisfying, clever elements. A worthy new addition to the franchise. (Don’t ask me to rank yet! Need time)
The new #ScreamMovie is a blast. 1st act was a little slow, but 2 and 3 really deliver. Wild twists, gnarly kills, and some mind-blowing moments for longtime fans. #WoodsboroForever pic.twitter.com/CvtifKDt8i
— Corey Chichizola (@CoreyChichizola) January 7, 2022
Scream is Good. Jenna Ortega and Jasmin Savoy Brown in particular stand out. That’s all I’ll say for now! #ScreamMovie
— Mary Beth McAndrews (@mbmcandrews) January 7, 2022
I have seen the new #Scream and it’s a winner! Yes it’s bloody, but also feels loaded with love and reverence for the original and the fandom it amassed … and felt like it was talking to me (to a degree). pic.twitter.com/x1gDCM9MYH
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) January 7, 2022
I enjoyed #Scream, but Craven's a tough act to follow. Despite being fun and surprisingly brutal, it plays it a little too safe to be truly great. The stakes and characters feel thin, and some strange decisions are made. Some major missed opportunities here.
— Ariel Fisher (@Afis8) January 7, 2022