Από τον Κρις Εβανς μέχρι την DC Comics και από απλούς θαυμαστές μέχρι ανθρώπους που γνώρισαν και αγάπησαν τον Σταν Λι, τον αποχαιρετούν λίγο μετά την είδηση του θανάτου του στα 95 του χρόνια.
Διαβάστε τον αποχαιρετισμό του Flix στον Σταν Λι: Ο Σταν Λι ήταν ένας πραγματικός υπερήρωας
He changed the way we look at heroes, and modern comics will always bear his indelible mark. His infectious enthusiasm reminded us why we all fell in love with these stories in the first place. Excelsior, Stan.
— DC (@DCComics) November 12, 2018
There will never be another Stan Lee. For decades he provided both young and old with adventure, escape, comfort, confidence, inspiration, strength, friendship and joy. He exuded love and kindness and will leave an indelible mark on so, so, so many lives. Excelsior!!
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) November 12, 2018
Damn... RIP Stan. Thanks for everything. pic.twitter.com/TMAaDJSOhh
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) November 12, 2018
Stan Lee, RIP. Thanks for inspiring so many of us to pick up a pen or pencil and put your dreams onto paper. Excelsior! pic.twitter.com/L33eTjUQdI
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) November 12, 2018
Thank you Stan Lee. For your service in protecting our freedom and for your creativity and imagination! You were and will always be a SUPER HERO! pic.twitter.com/d1qpuImyzQ
— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) November 12, 2018
We lost a real-life superhero today. Stan Lee was a visionary, who elevated imaginations across the globe. I’m grateful for the time I got to spend with him. Rest peacefully, Stan. pic.twitter.com/Ie2S18y0A0
— Larry King (@kingsthings) November 12, 2018
We’ve lost a creative genius. Stan Lee was a pioneering force in the superhero universe. I’m proud to have been a small part of his legacy and .... to have helped bring one of his characters to life. #StanLee #Wolverine pic.twitter.com/iOdefi7iYz
— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) November 12, 2018
No one has had more of an impact on my career and everything we do at Marvel Studios than Stan Lee. Stan leaves an extraordinary legacy that will outlive us all. Our thoughts are with his daughter, his family, and his millions of fans. #ThankYouStan #Excelsior!
— Kevin Feige (@Kevfeige) November 12, 2018
I am not going to be able to speak about this this morning, I can see that.
— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) November 12, 2018
But under the persona, Stan Lee was a real human being. I met him three times and three times he told me something literally life-changing.
I hope everyone knows, he cared about us. That was no act.