To «West Side Story» του Στίβεν Σπίλμπεργκ παίχτηκε μέσα στο Σαββατοκύριακο, λίγες μάλιστα μέρες μετά τον θάνατο του Στίβεν Σόντχαϊμ, για όσους έχουν δικαίωμα ψήφου στα βραβεία και σήμερα άρχισαν να φτάνουν και οι πρώτες αντιδράσεις από την ταινία στα social media.
Στην πλειοψηφία τους μιλάνε για μια από τις καλύτερες ταινίες του Σπίλμπεργκ, με κάποιους μάλιστα να φτάνουν και στο σημείο να λένε πως είναι και καλύτερη από εκείνη του 1961, ενώ κάποιοι άλλοι αναφέρουν πως είναι ίδια με εκείνη την εκδοχή, απλά αρκετά καλύτερη παραγωγή. Και φυσικά όλοι μιλάνε με τα καλύτερα λόγια για την πρωτοεμφανιζόμενη Ρέιτσελ Ζέγκλερ στον ρόλο της Μαρίας αλλά και για όλους τους υπόλοιπους ηθοποιούς που βρίσκονται στα καλύτερά τους.
Διαβάστε ακόμα: Ο Τζορτζ Τσακίρης σχολιάζει το τρέιλερ του... νέου «West Side Story», του Στίβεν Σπίλμπεργκ
Οι Jets και οι Sharks επιστρέφουν στη μεγάλη οθόνη, μετά την τεράστια επιτυχία της ταινίας των Ρόμπερτ Γουάιζ και Τζερόμ Ρόμπινς το 1961, αυτή τη φορά σε σκηνοθεσία του Στίβεν Σπίλμπεργκ και μια εκ νέου διασκευή του διάσημου μιούζικαλ που παίχτηκε πρώτη φορά το 1957 για να γίνει ένα από τα πιο επιτυχημένα όλων των εποχών. Μια ακόμη εκδοχή του «Ρωμαίος & Ιουλιέτα» του Γουίλιαμ Σαίξπηρ, το «West Side Story» αφηγείται τον απαγορευμένο έρωτα ανάμεσα σε ένα αγόρι (Τόνι), Ανσελ Ελγκορτ, και ένα κορίτσι (Μαρία), η πρωτοεμφανιζόμενη Ρέιτσελ Ζεγκλέρ, δυο αντίπαλων συμμοριών στη Νέα Υόρκη του 1957.
Την εκδοχή του Σπίλμπεργκ υπογράφει σεναριακά ο βραβευμένος με Πούλιτζερ και υποψήφιος για Οσκαρ, Τόνι Κούσνερ και την διεύθυνση φωτογραφίας ο σταθερός πλέον συνεργάτης του, Γιάνους Καμίνσκι. Στην ταινία παίζουν ακόμη η Αριάνα ΝτεΜπόουζ (Ανίτα), η Ανα Ιζαμπέλ (Ροζαλία), ο Κόρει Στολ (Λοχαγός Σρανκ), ο Μπράιαν ντ' Αρσι Τζέιμς (Αξιωματικός Κρούπκε), ο Κέρτις Κουκ (Εϊμπ) και η Ρίτα Μορένο που έπαιζε και στην ταινία του 1961 (κερδίζοντας Οσκαρ Β' Γυναικείου Ρόλου) η οποία εκτελεί και χρέη παραγωγού.
Η ταινία ανοίγει στις ελληνικές αίθουσες στις 9 Δεκεμβρίου. Για την ώρα διαβάστε μερικές από τις αντιδράσεις παρακάτω.
Here’s Steven Spielberg on Stephen Sondheim before the West Side Story premiere pic.twitter.com/gG8H9rTDiH
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) November 30, 2021
WEST SIDE STORY is phenomenal. Steven Spielberg has been talking about making a musical for almost his entire career, and this was worth the wait. This is top-tier Spielberg.
— Chris Evangelista (@cevangelista413) November 30, 2021
Spielberg’s West Side Story is an unabashedly old school musical, deeply faithful to its source material without being a dull retread. The emotional weight is all there and then some. Rachel Zegler as Maria, Ariana DeBose as Anita and Mike Faist as Riff are standouts.
— Eric Vespe (@EricVespe) November 30, 2021
HOOOOOO LEEEEEEEEEE SHIT!!!!! (I just saw West Side Story)
— Casey Mink (@Casey_Mink) November 30, 2021
it’s sorta like you shouldn’t underestimate steven spielberg and tony kushner
— Esther Zuckerman (@ezwrites) November 30, 2021
Was part of the very first audience to see Spielberg's WEST SIDE STORY last night. As someone who was questioning why this whole enterprise and why Spielberg wanted to redo a classic, he made THE definitive version. I will never doubt the master again #WestSideStory pic.twitter.com/j4DF9v402X
— Brandon Norwood (@bjntweets) November 30, 2021
Hot damn. So, yes, as it turns out, Steven Spielberg knows how to make a WEST SIDE STORY movie
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) November 30, 2021
#WestSideStory is INCREDIBLE. Spielberg delivers an award-worthy visual spectacle that expands on the original as a timely technical MASTERPIECE. Every department fires on all cylinders, & Rachel Zegler steals the show with THE star-making debut performance of the year. LOVED IT! pic.twitter.com/Qrzx5LiPBK
— Diego Andaluz (@thediegoandaluz) November 30, 2021
.@ArianaDeBose absolutely rocks as Anita in #WestSideStory - her deliverance in not only dialogue, but some of the best musical numbers in the movie makes her an automatic stand out for me
— Tia Fabi #SaveAmericanGods (@TC_Stark) November 30, 2021
West Side Story (2021): A great musical becomes another good movie. Looks like it cost a billion dollars, which goes a long way in restaging it. I’m screaming about every choice in the back of a car right now so maybe that’s good. Shoe-in for Best Revival Oscar.
— Matt Patches (@misterpatches) November 30, 2021
The #WestSideStory remake didn’t need to exist, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it — particularly the small but meaningful changes it made to the original. Love what they did with Rita Moreno’s character. And of course, Rachel and Ariana are astounding. pic.twitter.com/EQQT8p8MW3
— Caralynn Lippo (@caralynn_marie) November 30, 2021
.@ArianaDeBose absolutely stole the show in #WestSideStory! Seriously, I could not take my eyes off of her. She made me laugh, she made me go, "Ohhhh you're in trouble!," and she made me cry. If you're going to watch this movie, DO IT FOR HER! ❤️🇵🇷 pic.twitter.com/qxbadQ13it
— Lyra Hale 🏳️🌈✍️🇵🇷 (@TheAltSource) November 30, 2021
Embargo lifted: I saw West Side Story tonight and I’m happy to report that musical theater will show up at the Oscars for impeccable visuals, Ariana DeBose is A DAMN STAR and it’s only the beginning for Rachel Zegler. I love this for us.
— Ayanna P. (@AyannaPrescod) November 30, 2021
#davidalvarez was outstanding as Bernardo. You can tell when someone is trained he brought it all #WestSideStory pic.twitter.com/dHxk0dlx0t
— Kathia Woods (@kathia_woods) November 30, 2021
Also I like there are not subtitles when they spoke Spanish. The back and fourth between English and Spanish was so familiar ( in my house Portuguese) but you get the idea. That’s how it should be pic.twitter.com/o1FXVfVgNi
— Kathia Woods (@kathia_woods) November 30, 2021
Steven Spielberg’s #WestSideStory is stunning. His first musical is without a doubt superior to the 1961 film. The cinematography, music and dancing are amazing, and most importantly, it treats Puerto Ricans & Latinx community with the respect they deserve. Spielberg delivers. pic.twitter.com/3tb7eSvbzM
— Fico (@FicoCangiano) November 30, 2021
Spielberg’s #WestSideStory has all the virtues and little of the stereotypes of the original. Kushner’s script gives the Puerto Ricans the voice they always lacked. It still can’t overcome the shakespearian hurdles of the third act, but it is a considerable improvement overall.
— Mario Alegre (@MarioAlegre) November 30, 2021
So WEST SIDE STORY is my favorite Spielberg film in nearly 20 years. It is gorgeous filmmaking in every respect. @rachelzegler & @AnselElgort are amazing. The supporting cast is impeccable. And Rita Moreno made me cry. So yeah it’s a classic reborn as another classic.
— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) November 30, 2021
All I’ll say about West Side Story for now is: Rachel and Ariana are impeccable, the adaptation makes some good improvements to the original, and I’m genuinely surprised Spielberg had never made a musical before this one. pic.twitter.com/s4MMomNu8l
— Carly Lane-Perry (@carlylane) November 30, 2021
I was hoping that WEST SIDE STORY (2021) would sate my decades-long desire for Spielberg to do a musical. Alas, it is so beautifully shot and staged, such an absolute schooling of the usual musical directors, that I fear I now want him to make two or three more.
— Jesse Hassenger (@rockmarooned) November 30, 2021
Just saw #WestSideStory. If you’ve seen the original that’s basically what this was, with modern camerawork.
— Garrett (@thecinemababel) November 30, 2021
I literally did my senior thesis on the movie musical and have unconventional ~thoughts~ about what can qualify as cinematic. That said, if you love vintage style, you’re going to love the fluid camerawork and unapologetic swoon Steven Spielberg brings to WEST SIDE STORY. pic.twitter.com/S9ynpWSFBI
— Marshall Shaffer (@media_marshall) November 30, 2021
Steven Spielberg delivers a faithful adaption of #WestSideStory with big musical numbers and great set pieces.
— Geek Vibes Nation (@GeekVibesNation) November 30, 2021
Anita (Ariana DeBose) and Riff (Mike Faist) are the stand outs, while Ansel Elgort falls short as Tony pic.twitter.com/WKOTAjdtZ6
After a concerningly slow start, West Side Story crescendoes into the movie musical I think people had the highest hopes for. Ariana DeBose is bonkers good, and Rita Moreno just might be in that Oscar race with her. I don't know how Rachel Zegler pulled off that good a debut.
— Kevin Fallon (@kpfallon) November 30, 2021
A shocker: I didn’t dislike Spielberg’s #WestSideStory. It’s not a patch on the original (what is?). People’s skin are rendered way too pale. And the VFX is jarring. But Ariana DeBose and her evocative eyes were incredible. So were Rita Moreno and David Alvarez. Ansel? Eh. pic.twitter.com/OwEPlVuv4L
— Robert Daniels (@812filmreviews) November 30, 2021
West Side Story: Spielberg has been rehearsing to make a musical for 50 years so it’s not like he was gonna mess up one of the greatest ever written, but some emotionally deadening choices sure were made in act 2. Young CGI Jeff Bridges is a good Tony & John Mulaney kills as Riff
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) November 30, 2021
Just got done with #WestSideStory and the film belongs to Ariana DeBose as Anita and I hope she lands every role after this.
— Kate Sánchez⁷ (@OhMyMithrandir) November 30, 2021
The accents are...as predicted.... https://t.co/zBaDzaSGcW
#WestSideStory has a lot of positive to offer with visually exquisite dance numbers, updated lyrics, and phenomenal vocals. Musical fans will LOVE. But I have a myriad of issues with this, and as someone who isn’t a fan of the first, it didn’t help.
— Leo From The Matrix (@Leo_Rydel) November 30, 2021
Full review coming Thursday! pic.twitter.com/vyvLKEAAzB
— EJ Moreno (@EJKhryst) November 30, 2021
Steven Spielberg directs the hell out of a mediocre script. What an eye-roll inducing story.
Anything related to The Jets is insufferable, hell most of The Sharks are as well. The ladies do the heavy-lifting. This is Zegler, DeBose, and Moreno’s movie