Οι άνθρωποι που συνεργάστηκαν με τον Μίλος Φόρμαν αλλά και όσοι θαύμαζαν το έργο του, αποχαιρέτησαν τον σπουδαίο σκηνοθέτη - τον μόνο όπως αναφέρει ο Πρόεδρος του Φεστιβάλ Καννών Ζιλ Ζακόμπ κατάφερε να είναι ταυτόχρονα εμβληματική προσωπικότητα του τσέχικου νέου κύματος και δημιουργός ταινιών που σάρωναν τα Οσκαρ.
Διαβάστε ακόμη: Κανείς δεν έκλεισε ποτέ το στόμα στον Μίλος Φόρμαν
Another great one passes through the doorway. Milos Foreman. What a force. A lovely man. I’m glad we got to play together. It was a monumental experience. ;^) pic.twitter.com/wzgmOibDHs
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) April 14, 2018
Proof that the most brilliant of filmmakers could also be unfailingly kind, generous, humble and loyal. Thank you Milos Forman pic.twitter.com/btUmryxjRr
— Mia Farrow (@MiaFarrow) April 14, 2018
RIP #MilosForman, a brilliant filmmaker. He directed my sister Meg Tilly in Valmont. She adored him. Here is Milos, Colin Firth, and Meg relaxing on the set between scenes. pic.twitter.com/p4Ex22pzjU
— Jennifer Tilly (@JenniferTilly) April 14, 2018
Two amazing movies. Sorry for your loss. It’s a big loss for the world. We were so lucky to have all experienced his brilliant work. https://t.co/cGssBdMhGW
— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) April 14, 2018
Crushed tonight to learn of the passing of one of the great teachers in my life, Milos Foreman. He leaves behind a beautiful and moving and artistically daring collection of films and also many other students touched by his generosity, charm and brilliance. RIP.
— Mangold (@mang0ld) April 14, 2018
Forman, le seul réalisateur à être passé de la nouvelle vague tchèque (L'as de pique) aux grands films d'auteur populaire américain couverts d'Oscars (Amadeus).Oeuvre immense. Il aimait la bière, le tennis, Cannes il disait dites la vérité c tout. Milos restera cher à mon coeur.
— gilles jacob (@jajacobbi) April 14, 2018
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi Forman voulait à tt prix faire l'ouverture de Cannes 79 avec Hair. "C parce que je retourne pour la 1ère fois dans mon pays (Tchécoslovaquie). Je sais que si les autorités me retiennent tu viendras me chercher. Et, aidé de Cl Berri, je l'aurais fait!
— gilles jacob (@jajacobbi) April 14, 2018
Just learned the sad new about #milosforman who’s movies are among some of my favorites of all time. A resume that produces both “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and “Amadeus” deserves to be up there alongside the greats. Good bye to an icon. And Bravo. pic.twitter.com/tnNHrEgw8H
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) April 14, 2018
Milos Forman has left us. Genius of cinematography and master in the portrayal of the human condition. RIP pic.twitter.com/pLcXIeEH9h
— Antonio Banderas (@antoniobanderas) April 14, 2018
RIP to one of cinema’s best and brightest flickering lights #MilosForman pic.twitter.com/V7HJ3L9mLx
— Laurence Fuller (@LaurenceFuller) April 14, 2018
Milos Forman
— Panh Rithy (@RPanh) April 14, 2018
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, 1975. pic.twitter.com/1a5Ek8ulPM
I experienced Amadeus when I was 10 in Mexico and it affected me in countless ways. To witness the rebellious triumph and heartfelt tragedies in the lives of artists like this convinced me I wanted to be one. Or die trying. Gracias, maestro Milos Forman. Your legacy is forever. pic.twitter.com/E01nWjInyX
— Jorge R. Gutierrez (@mexopolis) April 14, 2018
Διαβάστε ακόμη: Οταν ο Μίλος Φόρμαν έστειλε το αμερικανικό όνειρο βαθιά «Στη Φωλιά του Κούκου»